
Healing Hope offers holistic care for the whole pet.

    • Remote energetic screenings
    • Email/text/ ZOOM consults
    • Long distance Reiki & Energy Treatments

Dr. Hebbler uses many modalities to treat your pet.  These Modalities include

Homeopathic Remedies; specific remedies for your pet and the things they are going through.

Nutritional Education: Much like the human medical field,  Nutrition is under addressed in the health and well being of our beloved pets. Good quality food is an important source to improve health. Certain foods really can improve the level of nutrition. More organic fresh and live the foods can be the more vital will be the health improvement. Certain foods can almost work like a medicine.  Nutritional awareness and education is crucial for a pets health.  This include Raw diet support:We have many clients that feed raw meat and vegetable diets and we encourage a balanced diet. We also encourage high quality and organic  fresh foods as a part of the pets nutritional program. We can help you balance  the diets and give you the confidence to use these foods safely. We always educate our clients about the safety of handling raw meats and making sure the quality has high standards. Simple diet changes have been the answer to many of the symptoms we have seen at healing hope. Healthy digestion is just as important for them as it is to us…. after all they are part of the family!

OZONE THERAPY: Ozone therapy is one of the most positive approaches to healing. When you have inflammation, swelling, infection, bruising, and even cancer there is higher amounts of CO2 within the tissue. When we give ozone it brings in Oxygen into the tissue and displaces the  CO2 and inflammation, infection and bruising goes down. Ozone is a very effective treatment in acute and chronic viral diseases, acting as a virucidal agent and in improving the general health of animals. It is also effective for acute and chronic bacterial diseases, including those that do not respond well to antibiotics.   These bacterial diseases include leptospirosis, Lyme disease, brucellosis, botulism and septicemia. Ozone can effectively relieve acute “asthmatic” attacks, as well as reverse the allergic component from the inhalation of molds, dust and other allergens. Perhaps the most exciting application of ozone is as an effective adjunct to high-PH therapy for leukemias, lymphomas and other malignancies.

Ozone may be administered by body bagging, bagging of the affected limb, inhalation, rectal insufflation, or by direct intravenous or subcutaneous administration of ozonated saline. Treatments are usually done for several consecutive days or weeks and can be done in the office with the owner present. It relieves pain and allows the tissue to heal as it is bathed in oxygen. We deliver ozone in several different ways. With a saline subcutaneous fluid is the most common way. We also give as a gas when we bag an affected limb. It can also be given in the ear canal for infection. Most of our clients feel the effects are so helpful and positive.

We are also providing this super-oxygenation protocol for our lymphoma and other cancer cases.

We had a cat with a staph infecftion in its bladder that was resistent to all antibiotics. . After several weeks of direct ozone therapy in the bladder, as well as subcutaneously , “Baboo” had a urinalysis free of any bacteria in the bladder and still is today.


Animals have emotions too. They feel fear, anger, jealousy, and depression just like us.

The Bach Flower Remedies® are able to help our Animals when they have negative emotions just as they help us when we are emotionally out of balance. Unfortunately, we are not able to ask our pet why it acts depressed, but we do know if it misses a friend or gets overly excited around new people.

Flower essences are very safe and we even use them for flea and tick control.


Essential Oils. Essential Oils are volatile parts of aromatic plants extracted by steam distillation or expression. Essential Oils uses includes massage, bath, candles, inhales, room and body perfume, hair shampoo, facial and skin care etc. Essential Oils properties cover a wide range of natural healing, relaxing and uplifting attributes.

We use a variety of essential oils including Young Living.

GLANDULAR THERAPY: We try to support the organ system that is weak by feeding the body the organ that is deficient. For example, with an animal with liver failure we would feed liver and the precursors of repairing liver tissue. For pancreatic issues we would feed pancreatic tissue. We use mainly Standard Process products both the veterinary line and the human line.