Trusting in the Infinite Power for Good,
I recognize Its ever Presence.
God is the music and rhythm of Life Itself.
It is the Source and Support of all there is.
Standing in this corridor of Life
with closed doors behind me
and Infinite passages before me,
I trust in the Energy that guides the Universe
to direct my steps forward.
Believing spiritual guidance comes to me
through ways I know not of,
I am open to the Infinite Wisdom’s guidance
as a natural part of my Life.
No matter which door opens I step through with God.
I am never alone but always connected,
Appropriately equipped for everything I need
to fully and richly enjoy this world.
As new doors open, I safely step through,
letting go of the fears for I trust my process in Life.
I find my journey filled with joy, health, well-being,
compassion, forgiveness and love.
I know there are not two Infinite Powers
in the Universe, only One.
I remain centered in this Spirit as I make my choices.
I confidently call upon my God-self,
trusting the direction of my walk through Life.
Increasingly I become more aware of God
speaking and guiding me from everywhere,
I am blessed with wonderful opportunities
that honor my self-expression.
I am free in mind and rest in ease.
My emotions are balanced as I deal with Life’s situations.
I am far more than my personality, or place in Life,
I am Spirit expressing and I trust that Activity!
I rejoice in the assurance of my life
being lived free from fear.
I am grateful for the freedom of living a life of trust.
It feels good to know all is well in my world.
Filled with appreciation
for knowing my companionship with God,
I let go, trusting with unshakable conviction, the Loving
Power’s guidance to bring about the highest and best.