A Different Point of View of Coronavirus

Like many of you, I’ve had A LOT of time to reflect on the current state of unprecedented global events facing humanity.

I’ve gone through hours of deep fear and anxiety, elevated heart rate as the news unfolded and it became clear that the world as we know it is shutting down for the foreseeable future. It looks like most of us will be home (hopefully with loved ones) for at least a month or many months. It is hysteria in proportions that you imagine when the world is coming to an end.

You see the anxious types (like me) who get overwhelmed and the avoidant types who simply won’t believe that this is occurring at all. Right or wrong, there’s value in both experiences.

Like many of you, I’m an empath and the collective and other’s energy can really affect me if I’m not at center with myself. I’ll come back to this in a moment because it’s crucial to what is happening.

If this is really happening the way it’s being presented and I have my doubts that is it, then there is absolutely a beautiful silver lining here and I hope we take the opportunity to better our world. I’ll link to this article if you guys wish to dig into the science and why the numbers are completely blown out of proportion and don’t actually make sense: https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/does-2019-coronavirus-exist (read this after because it’s long).


About 6 or 7 years ago, I think it was around the time of the 2012 window I started having a feeling that 2020 would be a special year. Life-altering, spiritually awakening. I’ve shared this many times, even over the last few months on client calls…I said, “something is coming.” I wasn’t clear if it was an awakening event, the collapse of governments (and the beginning of self-governance), or honestly the whole world just farting at one time.

What it felt like to me, was that we’d all have a mutually collective experience that would bind us together and be the recognition of something within ourselves that we had missed until this moment and this event would radically change our evolutionary future.

This feeling was further grown through different experiences I’ve had in deep meditation, plant medicine journies, and just plain old intuition. Maybe you had this feeling too.

And here we are, in a Pandemic, that has brought industry, government, and society to its knees. And just like the presidency of Donald Trump, maybe it’s not the change you asked for, but perhaps it’s the change we needed. He’s been breaking conformist structures since he entered office, stressing structures, and this apparent virus is doing the same at a scale never before seen.


Who could have predicted that the oil industry, big banks, the airline industry, etc…all major pollutants of planet and society would be in freefall? If we said that just a few weeks ago, it would have seemed impossible? (See also the strange phenom of CEOs of major banks and corporations all suddenly resigning. Do a search. It’s weird.)

As we sit at home with our families, as we stop moving so fast and getting to the next thing. This literally forces people into a state of self-reflection, of connection, time to educate yourself, time to read, or finally write that book. Maybe it’s time to plan for that business or eat healthier.


My experience with even speaking with family and friends since this started is that every conversation has a richness to it. A level of presence and listening that feels wonderful. When in human history has everyone’s “personal problems” stopped and in a moment everyone is unified in thought and feelings about a single event on our planet. Outside of major events like 9/11 (which didn’t affect the entire planet), I can’t think of any.


For one, I think this teaches us how malleable reality really is. If we believe it, reality changes, on a dime. Humans are susceptible to fear, and I assert that love and joy are much stronger frequencies.

Yet we rarely harness these to reconfigure reality as a whole and in the future, I hope that we do. It is now obvious that in just days we can take significant action to change our lives, imagine if we applied the same type of energy to ending wars, becoming in harmony with nature, increasing humanitarian projects, or free energy.

The potential boggle my mind as to the power of the collective.


In a time where even during a pandemic it seems impossible to get true information, it becomes clearer and clearer each day that the structures of the past are relics. We have become more aware.

We don’t take everything at face value. We know that there is infinite multi-dimensional reality and we each get to choose what that looks like for us. This universe is strange, mystical, and magical and so is the human experience.

It’s time to claim our power. To make the extraordinary, ordinary.

We are so much more than the global narration has led us to believe. It has been known at least tens of thousands of years the potential of man. We get glimpses from the great sages and awakened masters that have left their eternal marks in our history and mythology.


And as this event continues to unfold, there’s a part of me that is filled with so much optimism about what comes next.

A reminder that light could not exist without darkness. Birth does not come without death.

Whether this is a real event or propagated into our reality to cause change, honestly what is the difference. The reality is in our minds, in our hearts, in our energy. I’m sure there are a lot of people suffering right now, but when I look outside my window nothing has changed. When I sit at home, I’m safe. When I’m with my family, I experience love. When I tune into the world, I feel empathy.


I consider myself a very aware person. That means I have awareness thoughts, they are not my own. And I imagine this experience for those that don’t have this awareness — yet.

This fear must be so real. And that fear creates biological effects that decrease the energetic and physical function of the mind and nervous system. These people are susceptible to creating into their reality, the symptoms of Coronavirus and believing they have a disease which we do not even know how to accurately test for.

Doctors are still human. They are susceptible to this fear as well. And if they believe in the event, NOT FROM ALIGNMENT, BUT FROM FEAR. Then they too will create more of this fear. They will see patients who are sick, and also help them believe and create that they have a virus that is to be feared. This is the nature of belief, it filters your view from the truth of reality.


Alignment is a groundedness. A feeling of space, well-being, safety, and connection. It is not something you need to do or create in your environment. It is an ORIENTATION OF AWARENESS ITSELF.

With some practice, it is quite easy to begin mastering your awareness and harness it to clear up the distortion of the mind and start cultivating your own naturally given gifts which include gifts that have been relegated to science fiction movies when these powers are as ordinary as breathing.


The world may collapse as we know it, okay. That is scary indeed, but the structures that have led us here, have also led us astray. The leadership of this planet holds none of the characteristics that the spiritual texts speak of.

This is a world created by a distraught mind, and if we continue on this path we continue to the demise of our species. Everyone on this planet knows that we have already lept off the cliff and are just waiting to hit the ground.

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